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Re: [RC] Sponging on the fly - Truman Prevatt

When you are riding through the "swamp" you can get 50 gallons per 100 yards with a good sponge and proper technique. And you really don't what to get off and scoop in the swamp - you might step on a gator and wake him up. Rides in this regions that set up troughs set up containers from which to drink and containers from which to sponge. Of course some of the horses - mine being one - would rather drink out of the sponging container.

Yep the SE tends to have a lot of natural water - sometimes too much. I've done rides where at least 1/2 was through standing water. Hell I did a 55 once where probably 45 was through standing water - some belly deep on a 16-1 horse. The good news: plenty of opportunity to practice "casting your sponge."


Jonni wrote:

I guess this would require actual WATER on the trail, eh? I grew up riding
So. CA, and 99% of the water we had available was in man made water troughs,
stationed out on the trail. Some of the endurance rides  have very little
natural water, with everything being hauled in to spots on the trail, and
troughs set up (or big plastic trash cans). I found the sponge vs. scoop
thing to be very regional. I never even owned a sponge until I moved to TX.
We always carried scoops, and got off at water, and pitched some on the
horse with the scoop, and then got on and rode away. We would never dunk a
dirty sponge in the water troughs! Now we have ponds and some creeks here in
TX, but I still am a fan of the scoop and toss.  Old habits are hard to
break. Nice thing about a scoop, is if you find water the horse can not get
to, often YOU can get to it, and bring the horse some to drink.

it is amazing how some areas are so very dry, while other areas, like where
Angie is, sound like they have lots and lots of natural water.


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- Carl Sagan


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[RC] Sponging on the fly, Jonni