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Re: [RC] Wild Life Sightings - Becky Huffman

These are all great stories and I'm laughing along as I read.  I remember years ago (Angie, was it one of yours?  ...)  about how the deer plot in the woods and send one of their own to dart in front of the horse at the proper instant for the most optimal entertainment. 
along those lines, I've many times over the years run alongside a deer herd in the woods.  it's an incredible feeling.
also, had a most bizarre thing happen several months ago. .. was walking a young filly though some tall grass  - apparently she stepped over a nest(?) .. something large flew up from underneath her and SMACKED in her the belly.  We have tame turkey's in the subdivision, so maybe a turkey hen?  We stopped and went back, the eggs looked like guinea eggs to me, maybe a little larger. .. but it flew away (dark colored), so not a guinea.  I don't know if an owl or hawk would nest on the ground, or be raiding a nest like that. 
we routinely jump over snakes in the trail.
we do have javalina on one of our routes, but their penned so that wouldn't count.
I've raced wild pigs before .... they're FAST ...    we had to really turn on the speed to pass them.  I was astounded.
Becky Huffman, Cleburne, Texas
"Of the long years of peace ... there is little tale."
JRR Tolkien, The Silmarillion


[RC] Wild Life Sightings, Carol Suggs