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Re: OT ...Re: [RC] If you are concerned about America's wild horses an... - Sisu West Ranch

"..efficient ways to produce food for humans than running cattle on marginal rangeland that horses and other wildlife occupy..."
By forcing many Americans to consume less beef you would help their health.  The range you free for horses would in a relatively short time be overgrazed by the increased size of the horse herds and the problem would be back.
"...in any
case, we are not talking about YOUR horses.  ..."
But you are talking about my horses.   If the population of preditors is large enough that they efficiently keep the herds of wild animals in balence, their population increase will cause the young ones to roam and seek new territories.  Since the only unoccupied territories are where people live, they will start preying on owned sheep, cattle and horses.  Of course, someone could shoot the excess preditors, this is just the same as slaughtering wild horses thus not an improvement. In the situation.
"...Totally disagree with this, no facts to back this up, your opinion only...I have seen mustangs with faultless conformation, and domestic bred horses that can barely move...."
Do remember that the Burns bill that you oppose allows a BLM horse multiple chances for adoption.  The ones to be culled are not the ones of "faultless conformation".  My comment addresses the total supply of good horses, which by the laws of economics, effectively caps the price of horses.  The total supply of horses does enter into this.  I am possibly "qualified" to gentle and train a BLM horse, but I can and do purchase horses that suit my needs from breeders of domestic horses.    The price I pay is determined by supply and demand.  It is quite moderate, and competitive with what I would have to pay for (including the value of gentling and training) a BLM horse
You also state that the adoptors should be limited to "qualified" individuals.  Since, presumably, qualified and interested individuals are already adopting along with the "unqualified" ones, further screening would result in fewer, if better quality, adoptions. 
 I do wish that thoughless breeders of domestic dogs, cats, hamsters, horses, donkeys, mules, rabbits etc. would stop.   Much suffering happens because of the oversupply of domestic animals in our country.
"...herd control such as sterilization...."
Please supply me with a good scientific article that details a suitable sterilization method to control a herd.  If one exists, and has a potential to be reasonably priced, I will write to my Senator Burns and ask him to introduce legislation to fund a study.  You will receive a paper copy of my
Ed & Wendy Hauser
2994 Mittower Road
Victor, MT 59875
(406) 642-9640

[RC] If you are concerned about America's wild horses an..., Pam Salem
Re: [RC] If you are concerned about America's wild horses an..., Sisu West Ranch
OT ...Re: [RC] If you are concerned about America's wild horses an..., Karen Sullivan