I recently had 2 hot nails (close nails) on
my gelding that took almost 6 weeks to heal. They both absessed and caused a
very lame horse. I basically had to leave the shoe off and let that foot grow
out. He was lame for about 2-3 weeks, then slowly got better and was tender last
few weeks before farrier came out and put shoe back on with a pad. Vet said to
wait a week after 100% sound to put shoe back on. I had him in easy boots with
wrapping under that, changed daily (he is on pasture) from week 1 thru week 4-5,
then barefoot. Once that foot grew out he was completely normal.
----------Karla Watson/Oregon
I DO! JJ had an abscess on his front
right foot, this was a week before thanksgiving. The ferrier came,
removed the front shoes, made sure the abscess was open on the bottom of
his foot, and I soaked it in Epsom salts and put iodine in the hole for 5
days. The ferrier re shoed the front feet on Monday. By Wednesday he
was lame again, but further down the same hoof, with the abscess coming
out at the bulbs of his foot. Started re-soaking the foot, packing
it with poultice to draw out abscess...(also was put on antibiotic for 10
days SBZ?) the ferrier couldn't get out before 5 days, took off the shoe
and said to stop soaking the foot and continue with the
iodine...WELL...many days later, the ferrier came again, took off the
other 3 shoes and said that JJ is going to be ouchy for awhile. If I
try to pick up the hurting foot to treat it with iodine and peroxide, JJ
refuses to pick up his foot. I was then told to try soaking the foot in
apple vinegar....which I did..JJ smelt like salad dressing... Anyway,
his leg is normal, there isn't any heat...though where the abscess hole is
it is still sore. I did have JJ inside for a week so his foot would
stay clean, he is now happily (though I am sure a little cold) outside. He
is still limping, though he is more interested in where grass is... How
long does this type of injury take to heal? Any other "nursing"
solutions? Any advise is gratefully accepted. Thank you all and
Happy Holidays! Chris(Crash) &