Re: [RC] [RC] [RC] Kids, ponies and distance riding... Get a grip people - OTTOWY
Alright I have been silent enough on this minimum age requirement. Frankly don't you think we have enough rules already? Geesh people, you would think rules were like dessert and you want more and more of them.
If you are so worried about underage kids competing, then don't let yours compete! The rest of us parents out there think we know our kids pretty well and know what they are capable of. If the children want to ride then give them the opportunity when they are interested. Want to squash a child's enthusiasm in one step, just tell them they aren't old enough. They will never want to do it again.
When I was 11 years old I still remember conditioning everyday for nothing! You had to be 12 to ride the Big Horn 100. Don't put any child through that! Watching someone else ride my horse was torture!
Anyhow, as a mother of four and the person whose encouraged 100's of kids to "Get riding". I think I have the child pretty well down. Age shouldn't be the issue!