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[RC] Toxic iron levels - Ridecamp Guest

Please Reply to: Kathleen Ferguson kathleenmarie@xxxxxxxxxxx or 

My new mare tied up last month.  She is 5 1/2 and in arena training with light 
trail riding on the weekends.  When she tied up she was being lunged to warm 
her up for her daily lesson.  She got a bit silly on the lunge line and "blew" 
and galloped a bit but not unlike anything she had done in the past.  We had 
the vet pull blood before she was treated for the tie up (she recovered fine 
and is back in training).
When her blood work came back everything was normal except her iron levels 
which were sky high (normal .7 to 1.4 and she was 2.6)
My vet is scratching her head trying to figure out why her iron is so high and 
how this is related to the tie up.
Her feed was 1 lb oats/1lb rice bran/Northwest Supplement/Cool Calories and 
grass hay.  I have since pulled her off the rice bran and Northwest supplement 
because they both contain iron. We also pulled the Cool Calories (fat) because 
the label didn't have enough information on it.  I put her on DVM for her 
minerals and vitamins because it has the "northwest" levels without any iron.  
Anyone have any information on toxic iron levels?  Any feed suggestions?  I 
have been endurancing off and on for 20 years but have never had to deal with a 
tie up.  I am pretty concerned since it happened without even going to a ride.  
I really really like this mare and was planning to start her on easy 50's this 
spring...not sure now.

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