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Re: [RC] newbie, not knowing if I should start riding - heidi

Please Reply to: Sally Reid sreid@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx or
ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx ========================================I have a
4 yr old Connemara Stallion. He is a newbie and so am I . He was not
started until last fall, and we are just now getting ready for his first
trail ride. He is quiet and fairly well behaved. He has been started in
dressage. I am 45 yrs old, and not new to horses, just endurance. I was
planning to have him ready for his first LD ride in may or june. Am I
crazy? Will he be welcome? Boys can be boys, you know. The reason I
pulled out of dressage competition is that he was very bored with it. He
is pretty smart and tends to think alot, dressage is not mentally
challenging. I was looking for a sport where the horse could excel and
not be bored that I can do too. I am too old to event, too broke to do
driving. endurance seems like the way to go. I have an arab mare that I
could learn on, if that is better. I read how screaming stallions are
not welcome. He does not scream at home, but I'm sure he will away from
home. They all do to begin with. Let me know if we should begin this
track or look for another sport.

Stallions are welcome, but if there is ANY concern that "boys can be boys"
then he likely still needs some trail time in company before he comes.

We've ridden stallions for years in endurance, but I still maintain that
there are only two acceptable reasons for anyone to know that your boy is
intact:  1) someone told them he is, or 2) they notice the testicles on a
hot day.  Any other reason for "knowing" that there is a stallion in camp
or on the trail is not acceptable.

Don't be "sure" he will scream away from home--vow that he will not, and
teach him to mind you.  Don't accept screaming.  EVERY vocalization should
be checked, and his mind should be on you at all times.

See how his trail rides go, and ride him both in company and alone until
you are secure in how he will behave in either situation.  THEN he is
ready to come to a ride.



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[RC] newbie, not knowing if I should start riding, Ridecamp Guest