Re: [RC] Making money putting on - Maggie Mieske
I've read all of this with interest and thought about my own motives in
putting on a ride. For me, it's like being Santa Claus. I really
delight in finding ways to surprise my riders AND volunteers, to help them
have fun, come up with new ideas for "fun" awards even if it's only a
certificate that recognizes the oldest person (the Fossil Award) or the "Turtle"
Award or ????? you name it. I love it. I LOVE to
hear the laughter and see the grins of a newbie who has just finished their
first ride, the stories and the "remember whens" even if those remember whens
were when I wasn't even in it yet! Imagine what it would feel
like if your children got up Christmas morning and simply hated their gifts and
cried and had a temper tantrum...coal in the stocking next year!!! Or NO
Christmas!!! Some RMs put heart and soul into
a ride... it's a part of themselves, a reflection of
themselves and it's hard to NOT take it personally. I have several hundred
dollars out of pocket before the ride ever goes on and I'm not sure of making it
back (though we did last year with some seed money for this
year). For those of you who appreciate your RMs, please SAY SO.
For those of you who find a RM lacking, VOLUNTEER or BETTER YET, put a ride
on yourself!! :) But please don't take away what I am trying to put
back. For Paddi and I that is partly what it's all about. :)