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[RC] re: [RC] Changing Bit Question - Becky Rohwer - A. Perez

 Get her teeth checked by an equine dentist or a vet
experienced in teeth-floating.  she may have a tooth problem
that is cuaseing the head-flipping.

 You might also ask a trainer, instructor or some other
knowlegable person to observe you rdining her, to see if they
can notice what is making her toss her head: could be something
in how you are riding her.

 If you want to try a martingale, a standing martingale would
not require a change of bits, as it attaches to the nose-band
(assuming your bridle has one) and does not effect the bit.  

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It is how we "feel" deep inside that matters, cause each of us knows the
truth, regardless of how we try make it complicated.  It just isn't.
~ Frank Solano

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