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[RC] Breed destruction - Dot Wiggins

I've been biting my tongue to stay out of this thread but can't stand it any
So many are bashing the Arab show breeders for trashing the useful Arabs,
and then turn around and fail to see the same thing in QHs, and other
The ranch QH that can go all day, as many days as needed,  is becoming a
thing of the past.  The QH that can walk  fast,  and actually, really, trot,
is hard to find.
They have been bred for low head carriage (it's easier to breed "'head down"
than train it) till they have no self carriage, always on the front end.
Even the fairly good ones are often unsound in front by the time they are 6.
The QH show breeders have been working longer to trash a fine breed than the
Arab folks, and they've about got it done.
QHs used be one of the most useful, versatile breeds in the country, hard to
find one now.
I like and enjoy the Arabs I know and ride, but I also have a tremendous
respect and affection for the good QHs I have had.

One last word, having worked with quite few of both, I think QHs are more
forgiving of rider./handler errors.
In other words, perhaps more suited for beginning riders.    Many Arabs
don't suffer fools gladly,  many QHs will put up with a lot of s**t and
still do a good job.


If you treat an Arab like a Thoroughbred, it will behave like a Quarter
~  Libby Llop

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