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Re: [RC] TB vs Arabian at a mile - Chris Paus

LOL... but they are so loveable.


--- Truman Prevatt <tprevatt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
The great thing about watching an Arabian horse race
at the track is 
after they start you can go out and get a beer and
hot dog and be back 
they finish. You would never be able to do that with
a TB.


Magnumsmom@xxxxxxx wrote:

Chris wrote:

"My stallion is a retired Arab racer. He ran from
1986 to 1990. He won 
quite often and his best races were at the mile.
His times were about 
1:54 in the mile. I do believe current Tbs run the
mile faster than 
that, but I'm not sure how TBs who raced in the
same decade as Szybki 
stack up. chris"

Magnum ran in 1983 and 1984 as a 2 and 3yo.  His
time for the
mile was 1.46 and he was slow.  He ran in one
stakes race and
finished 5th.  He won 5 times at a mile, 1 1/16,
and I think
1 1/4.  I'd have to look it up.  At 5 len/sec the
arab would be
40 lengths back at the wire.

I loved the Seabiscuit movie, but in their
depiction of his win at
Santa Anita (the last race in the movie) they used
a white
arabian.   You can see him as they pass the horse
on the far turn.
I actually laughed out loud in the theater.  Oops.
 It's one way to
make sure the star TB wins. 

:) - Kathy Myers
in Santa Fe, NM


   "It is necessary to be noble, and yet take
humility as a basis.

    It is necessary to be exalted, and yet take
modesty as a foundation."


"A good horse makes short miles," George Eliot

Chris and Star

BayRab Acres
At the end of the day maybe the definition of endurance isn't the length of
the ride but rather the spirit in which it is ridden. 
~  Maryanne Stroud Gabani

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Re: [RC] TB vs Arabian at a mile, Truman Prevatt