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Re: [RC] Trail Judges needed??? - Barbara McCrary

Cutting trails has been going on for decades.  It's a dirty, lowdown, cheap
trick to help some riders into a higher finishing position.  My feeling is:
If the cheater is happy and guilt-free after doing this, so be it.  Yes, the
placement of judges might stop cheating, and that's what is done in FEI
rides.  The question is: Do we want international-level rules to control the
sport here in the USA?  For a Pan Am, or a World Championship, or maybe even
an AERC Championship, OK.....but in our day-to-day endurance rides?  Is this
what we want in our sport?  Do we still want the nice, friendly, "backyard"
type rides that were the foundation of our sport, or do we want tight
controls so that someone doesn't cheat?  Think about it......seriously.  If
this is what we want, let the membership's voice be heard.  But if we don't
want tight rules for all rides, then we'd better just accept the fact that
the occasional rider will be so caught up in winning that he or she is
willing to cheat to achieve that.  It's sad, when you come to think about
it.  The mantra of the membership when I was on the Board was...keep it
simple, no more rules.  Be careful what you wish for, your wish might be
A thought:  Any ride manager can make the decision to place someone in a
strategic location to take numbers of passing riders.  If there is a
possibility to take a shorter trail to the finish line, the rider who
chooses that trail will not have his or her number recorded on the correct
trail.  No number recorded, no finish.  Simple and effective, but it doesn't
have to be a rule.

Barbara McCrary

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ridecamp Guest" <guest-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Friday, April 23, 2004 7:53 AM
Subject: [RC] Trail Judges needed???

Please Reply to: Wendy Girlponylover or ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx

After hearing rumors over the last few weeks about someone cutting trails
"will not mention names" to finish in the top 5 at Million Pines I think it
is time to start having some type of Trail Judge "check in's" that change
locations on the trails with out the riders knowing where they are located.
I think this will either stop the few people that cut trails to finsih in
the top 10 or will stop the rumors once in for all.

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REAL endurance is eating egg salad sandwiches for 3 days straight!
~ Heidi Sowards

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[RC] Trail Judges needed???, Ridecamp Guest