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Re: [RC] Steph's Abolish Points Proposal - Lynne Glazer

Lest you think abolishing points (not mileage awards) is only attractive to the non-racers, please note that Dabney is #1 this year overall in Pacific South AFAIK.

I've long wondered why we have so many points-based rather than mileage-based awards.

High winds in Norco today--had the Rubberband saddled while it was calm, then leading him out the gate while being blown sideways we looked at each other and he clearly said, "don't ask me to do this, pal!" so I'm back on the 'puter againnnn. Not my first choice of "saddles"

On Nov 22, 2003, at 10:19 AM, Dabney Finch wrote:

I think this is a great idea, and it has lots of advantages--very simple,
and could be put to a yes/no vote of the membership; doesn't require any new
rules; will actually save AERC some money that could be put to saving trails
and helping out ride management with the expenses of putting on the National
Championship--which would get more attendance because it would be all that's
left! (That is, unless Steph wants to do away with that too? That I
wouldn't agree with--got to leave something to "mark time," and create a
little hoopla, sort of like holidays.)

----- Original Message -----
From: "Steph Teeter" <steph@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "Jim Holland" <lanconn@xxxxxxx>; "oddfarm" <jsalas@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: "ridecamp" <ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Saturday, November 22, 2003 9:32 AM
Subject: [RC] another proposal

Jim - your comment regarding Top Ten and points is not quite true. You
"Keep in mind that if you
are not in the Top Ten, then AERC points are the same, whether you are
11th or 101st. "

On the contrary, all of the Regional points awards are based upon weight
division points, not overall points. If a rider is concerned about
awards, then overall Top Ten is arbitrary.

Here's my proposal: (and I really mean this)
Let's completely abolish the current point system.

Almost every year-end award that AERC offers, and publishes monthly,
encourages riders to go faster and farther and more often than their
and sometimes more often than the horse can tolerate, SIMPLY for the sake
a jacket or trophy.

I am not opposed to racing (I LOVE to race, but have respect for it) on a
day when my horse is prepared, and things are going well. The points and
award system that we currently have encourages riders to race too often,
again and again, because with each race they are accruing points towards
that year-end jacket or trophy.

How many of you have seen riders showing up with horses at the last rides
the year, trying to get those final points, those extra miles, that final
BC? It can be sad to see sometimes. And very few of us are immune to the
lure of the awards.

Year-end points awards encourage us to ride for the wrong reasons.

Let's get rid of the points system. Let each day, each ride/race, be the
only determining factor for how we ride and what we ask of our horses.



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[RC] another proposal, Steph Teeter
[RC] Steph's Abolish Points Proposal, Dabney Finch