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[RC] a year of 25's - Deanna German

Howard wrote:
The point I'm trying to make is we need to do something here. Dane Frazier has
suggested that a horse spend a year doing LD's before doing their first 50
miler. ?And, he adds that the horse should do a year of 50 milers before doing
their first 100...

Have to concur with Heidi on this one. The two LD's I did on my mare taught
her nothing, zero. (They were good for me to learn the competition format
without having to worry about my horse and I saw some GREAT trail!)

The 500 miles of CTR taught us both tons that I was then able to transfer to
the endurance 50. With the LD's we have around here, it's easy for horse and
human to get "race fever" since there always seems to be some hot shoes.
Even though CTR is the same distance as an LD and *I* ride the same speed,
my horse has learned more at CTR since CTR is a paced ride -- the horses
don't get all caught up in the chase. They're all more relaxed and the
riders are intent on letting them eat and drink as necessary and putting
lots of water on them. It's a way different vibe than LD where even in the
middle of the pack a person can feel hurried.

That said, I don't even advocate CTR for everyone. And I would really resent
having to do a year of LD's before being allowed to do a 50 after doing 500
miles of CTR, including several two-day 50's and 60's. And, wow, talk about
an administrative nightmare.


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