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Re: [RC] To breed or not to breed - suendavid

lately for me is breeding.  I have always wanted to breed and 
raise my own foal, and possibly to breed foals for sale.
Yes, I KNOW it is the most expensive way to get a horse, and 
no, I have no delusions about making money at it... it would be 
purely a hobby.

I've bred three foals and still own all three.  Speaking *only* for myself, I 
don't kid myself that I have such wisdom or unique insight that I can produce 
horses that no one else could produce better.  There are thousands and 
thousands of excess, unwanted horses (dogs, kitties, etc etc etc) bred by 
people that just wanted them as a hobby.  This is NOT a judgement on you, 
Amanda.  It was just my own personal feeling that if I was going to put a foal 
on the ground, then it was my responsibility to provide a home for life and 
never foist it onto an already overburdened market.  So, I have my 
three "foals" (13, 7 and 2), they're all wonderful, and I wouldn't trade them 
for the world.  I just always thought breeding horses should be like having 
children---if you're not prepared to be responsible for the consequences, good 
or bad, don't have them in the first place.

Don't mean to sound like a crotchety old grouch.  Just my two cents. :-)

Susan G

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