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Re: RC: Re: Equine Infectious Anemia

Right on to Wendy Hauser!  Shout all you need to!
There are just enough irresponsible horse owners
or transporters or dealers to make EIA come alive

I owned a positive horse in the 70's.  He came off
the track (which was the only place at that time
that required Coggins tests).  We rode and enjoyed
him and eventually gave him away. Years later the
state vet paid us a visit. No idea if they ever
found the horse or how he fared.  Our other horses
never tested positive.  If I knew what I knew now,
I would not have accepted this horse.

Maybe my papers are checked and maybe they are
not.  But I have peace of mind. I know my horses
are healthy.

Teddy Lancaster

Does this mean I cannot tell the Emperor he has
no clothes unless I have a Kingdom?

Running Bear Farm, Inc.
1348 Township Road 256
Kitts Hill, Ohio, 45645 USA  -
1-800-533-2327, FAX: 740-533-0337


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