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wintec saddles

Sherry Davis
I'm having trouble posting through my regular subcription so will post this as a guest:
I've been putting a few miles on my horse and have discovered that neither
one of the saddles I'm using fit my horse well.  He is very "mutton
withered" (wouldn't need a saddle if I could just get him to grow stirrups
out of either side).   I have to cinch up really tight.  On the western and
english there is no sweat on the blanket at the wither area on top and in
two circles about 5-7" at 45* from top-dead-center on either side.  So it
appears he's getting pinched pretty bad, which really explains a few things
about the trouble I've been having with him moving out freely and keeping
I'm looking for a used saddle and opinions about the Wintec models with easy
change gullet system (which really seems to make a lot of sense for all
"endurance" saddles.)  I prefer english and really like the pro-endurance
Wintec model but it doesn't have the easy change system.  Has anyone out
there used these saddles?  Does anyone have one for sale?  There is a
dressage model with many of the pro-endurance features-the Isabella-has
anyone used this model?
Please feel free to reply directly, all responses appreciated.
sherry davis

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