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Re: antibiotics and digestion

BTW, Michelle, in addition to the equine senior, etc you're giving your horse while she's on antibiotics, adding in a little "stress cocktail" wouldn't hurt either.  Sarah Ralston has done some nifty research in this area in transporting horses, but I think she considers it appropriate for any horse under chronic stress.  I'm sure she;kk jump in here if she disagrees.  If memory serves, 10 grams of vitamin C twice a day, about 2000 IU vitamin E, and a bit of brewers yeast for the B vitamins.  The first two are antioxidants and good for the immune system, the latter supplements the B vitamins that probably aren't being made at normal levels in the hindgut.  She's discussed it before somewhere in the archives, but God only knows where.  I'm lucky if I can find my shoes on a regular basis. <g>
Susan G

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