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Reno, Nevada

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2012 AERC Convention
photos by Merri Melde

2012 AERC Convention
photos by Merri Melde

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Awards Dinner - by Olin Balch

2013 AERC Convention Concludes


The 2013 AERC Convention concluded Saturday evening with a year-end awards banquet.

2012 Hall of Fame Horse is Granite Chief +/ owned by Karen Chaton.

2012 Hall of Fame Person is Maike Maul.

2012 Pard'ners Award went to Mike Maul and Rroco-My-Sol.

Other awards included:
National 100-Mile Award: Steve Rojek
National 100-Mile Junior Award: Tie for first place between Bryna Stevenson, Brooke Koehn, and Dillon Thomas
National BC Award: Bev Gray and Jolly Sickle
Bill Thornburgh Family Award: the Blakeleys
Bill Stuckey Award: Ann Kratochvil
Bob & Julie Suhr Husband and Wife Team Award: Dennis and Sue Summers
Kathy Brunjes Memorial Young Rider Award: Jennifer Perryman
War Mare Award: Ann Kratochvil's GF Brazil's Envy
Jim Jones Stallion Award: Cheri Briscoe's MMF Thunders Echo+/
National Mileage Champion: Laurie Birch & Scudd Run
National Mileage Junior Champion: Starla Dale & Top Affiliate
Anne Ayala Memorial Scholarship: Kelsy Kimbler
Brunjes Jr/YR Trophy: McCamey Kimbler
Maggie Price Award: Heather Reynolds
USEF Youth Sportsman's Award Endurance: Mallory Capps
Ann Parr Trails Preservation Award: Roger Taylor


Akhal Teke Association of America - High point endurance: MV Patrickhan (owner Jas Shearer-McMahon)

High point limited distance: Kuguar (owner Dovlet Geldy Kyarizov)

Arabian Horse Association - 100 Mile High Point Arabian: PWF Lee Wynd (owner Amanda Fant)

100 Mile High Point Half-Arabian/Anglo-Arabian: Greenbriar Al Jabal (owner Suzanne Hayes)

50 Mile High Point Arabian: Scudd Run (owner Laurie Birch)

50 Mile High Point Half-Arabian/Anglo-Arabian: RTM First in Line (owner: Linda Hamrick)

Institute for the Desert Arabian Horse - Drinkers of the Wind Award - OT Sara Moniet RSI (owner: Corckett Dumas)

Intermountain Wild Horse & Burro Advisors - High Mileage (endurance) & Overall High Mileage: NRR Team 91 Hoss (owner Valerie Jaques)

High Mileage (limited distance): Lady Jasmine (owner: Janet Tipton)

Missouri Fox Trotting Horse Breed Association - High Point & High Mileage (endurance): Barney's Fife's Single Shot (owner: Ashley Sansome, DVM)

High Mileage (limited distance): Dancer's American Beauty (owner: Dorothy Foster)

North American Shagya Society Radautzer Award - Salome (owner: Hannah Summers)

Paso Fino Horse Association - Diamante de Zeta & Tivio IXL (owner: Ross Carrie)

Tennessee Walking Horse Breeders' and Exhibitors' Association - High Point & High Mileage (endurance): Bono (owner: Linda Reznicek, DVM)

High Mileage (limited distance): Spirit of Woodhaven (owner: Beth Marshall)

US Trotting Association - Standardbred Endurance Award: Steady's Bad Boy (owner: Nancy Salazar)

More results will be posted on the AERC website:

Schedule of Events flyer

Think Like a Vet - Learn From the Vets

  • Speaker Seminars
  • Fabulous Trade Show
  • National Awards Banquet
  • Tack Swap
  • Friday Night Dance
  • Regaional Awards
  • Hot Topics Workshops
  • Much More!

    Trisha Dowling, DVM, MSc, DACVIM (LAIM), DACVP; Sarah Fletcher, MD; Karen Hassan, DVM, DACVS; Jeanette Mero, DVM; Hal Schott, DVM, PhD, ADVIM; Donna Snyder-Smith; Aarene Storms; Jeannie Waldron, DVM

    Action Rider Tack, Adequan AERC National Championships, AERC International, American Trail Gear, Arabian Horse Association, Arabian Saddle Company, Auburn Laboratories Inc., Boz Saddlery, EasyCare Inc., Equithotics Inc., Equus Nutrition for Horses, Farmers Warehouse/LMF Feeds, Fleece Works, Hought Endurance Tack, Jans Jems, Just For "Horsin-Round", Ann Kratochvil, Lemke Saddle Services Inc., Natural Horse Halters, Porta-Grazer, Purina Animal Nutrition, Reactor Panel Saddle Co., Renegade Hoof Boots, Revitavet Therapy Systems, Snell Valley Ranch, Specialized Saddles, Triple Crown Nutrition, Western States Trail Foundation (Tevis), USEF, Wild Horses of Nevada Photography, Vettec.

    Hot Topic 1: Liability Issues at Endurance Rides (Free!); Hot Topic 2: Dogs, Guns, and Steel (Free!); Blind Ambition: Ethics and Drugs in Competitive Horse; Achieve Greater Speed, Distance and Soundness with Better Rider Biomechanics; Endurance 101: A Gentle Introduction to the Sport; Hoof Balance and Lameness Issues; Tying up - Unraveling some of the Muysteries Surrounding this Syndrome; Lyme Disease in Humans and Horses; The Secrets to Winning Best Condition; Fluffy, Fuzzy and Fat Foundered Horses - Equine Metabolic Diseases

  • 2011 AERC Convention
    2012 AERC Convention