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2010 Tough Sucker - photos and results

2009 Tough Sucker - photos and results

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2010 Owyhee Tough Sucker
Images by Merri

It (Still) Takes a Village....|| The 2011 Tough Sucker
. Owyhee Tough Sucker (No Frills)

The Sixth Annual Owyhee Tough Sucker No Frills Endurance Ride

Photo Galleries

Friday Vet In - Merri Melde

Loop 1 - Merri Melde

Loop 2 - Merri Melde

A Tough Sucker Story

Steve Bradley Photos

The 2011 Tough Sucker

Monday April 18 2011

7:30 AM, sunrise, The Raven is ready to ride the 50 mile Tough Sucker with Jose.

Jose is ready to ride with Rhett; Rhett and Steph have snuck off with Amanda and Replica. Jose and I will ride with his other bud Mac (and John), and his cousin Justy (and Carol). We let the 11 front runners get going down the trail as we wandered around camp warming up.

Five riders had already left on the 75-miler at 7 AM; 18 were on the trail for the 50; and 16 would start the 25 miler in an hour, including two who were just pulling in: Jeff and Mary. The same Jeff who bought Ben last week. Jose recognized Ben tied up to their trailer, and briefly stopped his search for Rhett to stare at him. "How is he?" I asked. "Jeff's in love," Mary said.

As Rhett's high-flying short tail disappeared over the first hill, we three set out on the trail. Jose knew Rhett was ahead of him... and he was determined to catch up with him. He concentrated on it for the first 15 miles...


It (Still) Takes a Village...

Sunday April 17 2011

...And everything in it to go to a 1-day endurance ride 10 miles down the road. It's the Owyhee Tough Sucker endurance ride, the first of the season. Literally, we could have ridden our 4 horses to basecamp on Friday, but we hauled them over - horse in one trailer, and things in the other.

You just don't know what all you'll need, so you might as well take everything. I take as much stuff to a one-day ride 10 miles down the road as I do to a 4-day ride halfway across the country!

Carol hauled her horse Justy, and our three horses Rhett, Mac, and Jose, in her trailer down to basecamp at Regina's old place, and we hauled our trailer full of stuff - grass hay, grass-alfalfa hay, oats, senior, beet pulp, supplements, apples, carrots, apple crunch treats, buckets, blankets (6 - because what if it rained overnight and the blankets got wet, and we needed more during the ride?), easyboot gloves, extra easyboot gloves, hoofpicks and hammers (to put the gloves on), brushing boots, saddles, saddle pads (and an extra one), bridles, extra sidepull for Jose, girths - and whatever else I'm forgetting to mention...


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Online registration is open - it's easy, try it! The ride will be based out of Regina's ranch again this year. Easy access off of Hwy 78, indoor arena for meetings and dinner.

50 miles and LD: $93 75 miles: $133 – Trail Ride: $30 - Juniors 1/2 price
Dinner included with all ride entries!
2011 Trail Map: coming soon!
The trail will be easy/moderate, good footing, single track trail, jeep roads, some sand washes. Ride around Wild Horse Butte along the Snake River and along the ridge tops through the Birds of Prey area. This is a nice spring ride!

Much of the trail will go through the Morley Nelson Snake River Birds of Prey National Conservation Area, established in 1993 to protect a unique environment that supports one of the world's densest concentrations of nesting birds of prey. Falcons, eagles, hawks, and owls occur here in unique profusion and variety. It is part of BLM's National Landscape Conservation System (NLCS). Read more about the conservation area

Head Vet: Robert Washington DVM Ride Manager: Regina Rose Email: rrose4u2002@yahoo.com Phone: 208-250-8662

From I-84 East (Oregon) Take Nampa exit 35 and follow signs to Hwy 45 (to Murphy)which takes you south towards Murphy. Follow hwy 78 east (left) after crossing the Snake River. Continue past the Oreana turnoff, take the next left (north) onto Wees Rd, after mile marker 47, just past the Utter Massacre historical. Take the next left onto Regina's drive.

From I-84 West (Utah): Take Hammett exit 112 onto Hwy 78. Go through Bruneau and Grandview towards Oreana. Turn right (north) onto Wees road just after mile marker 48, after crossing Castle Creek. Next left onto Regina's drive.