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Re: Degree's?

I can accept that one does not need an advanced degree to offer a
worthwhile opinion.  But when it comes to a big difference of opinion, I'll
stack Susan EGs opinion (backed by data of course) against a sales rep or
distributor any day. I didn't see the distributor offer any of his own data
or evidence.  He simply questioned the motivation and qualifications of the
researcher. Papered idiot or no, I require evidence before buying the
conclusion. He didn't give me any; Susan did.


Visions of the Wind wrote:

> Hey folks... just wanted to point out that I am NOT knocking the input
> from our degreed friends here, just was saying that one doesn't need a
> PhD to have constructive input, which was what was implied (that I saw)
> by the NaturalGlo rep. Sorry I wasn't clear enough!
> Stephanie McCray
> Golden, CO

Kirsten Price
Vermilion Desert Ranch
Reno Nevada

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