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Re: Feeding alfalfa when it is cold

In western Canada we've always fed the majority grass hay, usually no
more than 20% alfalfa (this year, more like 5%), and like yours no
problem with the weight. I start to cut back the rations later in the
winter so they aren't too fat when serious spring conditioning comes
around. Even all winter they don't get "all they can eat" unless its
extremely cold - so they aren't obese right now, just "well covered". 
We pay about $3 per 60 lb square bale, but I was astonished at what
some Californian's pay!

Lynette Helgeson <> wrote:
> I sure that their is a difference in quality. I am sorry if I sounded
> like I thought that feeding alfalfa was a bad thing. That's just my
> husband's opinion, and he can be very opinionated, a great husband,
> sometines very stubborn. I was just commenting on the statement about
> alfalfa being the ONLY feed that can keep weight on horses when it is
> cold. Maybe in some areas that is true, but not in this area. Grass
> does very good at keeping the weight on when it gets cold, in fact too
> good! But the horses are sure full of it in the spring! Boy do I love
> that. :-)
> Lynette

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