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Re: Probiotics and colic

I don't know if that is true or not....I was just stating an experience I
had... maybe next time I will leave them go and see if it goes away on its
own?   I don't know if I could stand to do that.  If it DOES work, even if
there is no explanation for it, then it works.  Perhaps it was something else
in the formula that soothed the stomach.... I don't know.   But that is what
happened in my experience.

"C.M.Newell" wrote:

> >he was off his feed and after we gave him the ABC stuff, he
> >was eating in 5 minutes visibly feeling much better!!  The same with a
> >mare we have who seemed to be colicking...
> > She had 2 more episodes of the
> >"gagging" but we gave her a dose of the Pro Bi and both times she was
> >eating within 5 minutes. ..
> Not knocking probiotics; they are useful things, but they couldn't possibly
> have been having any physiological effect within that short a time period.
>            --CMNewell, DVM

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