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Re: Sheath Swelling

Dear Barb,

I would also be ilnterested in learning more about this problem.  The
only time it has happened to my (very healthy) Connemara stallion was
two years ago when he was stabled at a breeding barn.  It was hard to
tell whether it was the seath or his testicles, they too were enlarged.
.  I called the vet and he felt it might be due to a bee string or some
allergic reaction to an insect or spider bite..(There"s a creek
near=by).    As you might guess, being he was a stallion besides my
beloved friend, I was very upset.  It did eventually go away with no
seeming  bad effects.

It is interesting thazt  you mentioned  the immune system however, as
this is the ONLY one of my l5 horses who sometimes reacts to his yearly
"booster" shots by being lame(one time he was breeding a mare the day
before his shot and couldn"t do it after the shot.(His heart was
willing, but the rest of him wasn"t up to it!)Or--I have had him just
look "down in the dumps" for a couple of days.

Let me know....


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