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Re: Sheath Swelling

> From: Barb Peck
> Email:
> De-lurking for 2 things in one day..
> RE: Sheath Swelling:
> I am VERY interested in anyone's solution
> to this problem.  I have one horse that has
> exactly the same problem as soon as he
> starts hanging around the barn and not
> excersing himself (when it gets really
> cold in winter). 

I replied to the originator, but this may help you and others too.
Shatirr had a mystery swelling that we initially thought was pigeon
fever in his sheath. After examination and tests, my vets were stumped.

After many days (week+??) of this, I remembered that I has clipped him
the day before the swelling, and he always drops when I clip him. I dug
around way up inside, found enough gross stuff to check for hair (I
never got him totally clean) and, sure enough, there was hair! 

We had cleaned him earlier, but I re-cleaned him again, rinsing him out
well for a LONG time.

That did it... 

Irritants. Could be dust or bedding? Good luck!

  - Linda

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