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Re: lost horse in Texas

Our thoughts and prayers are with you!  I hope you find him... that is a
horrible feeling.  Try to sleep and let others help you as much as you can!
Just sorry I am too far away to be of any more help!  Take care of yourself!!
He'll turn up!!!  Sounds like you have done what needs to be done!  Though not
the same thing, we lost a dog a couple years ago...our favorite really (out of
7!!).  The sweetest, most cuddly Brittany with a huge smile!!!  We lost him the
day before a huge snowstorm.... he got started on a rabbit or something and
simply didn't realize he was leaving.  Anyway, we searched and searched!  Saw
him coming around the curve on a seasonal road near our home (he must have
heard us calling) but the vehicle we were in (not our own) scared and before we
knew it he was gone again!!  Due to getting the word out and a lost ad in our
paper (which described his big smile!) we found him about five days later.  He
had wandered about 10 miles from home!  It was the worst week of my life!!!  We
never dreamed we would see him again!  We love that silly dog so!!  But don't
give up.... prayer does work.

Visions of the Wind wrote:

> I received this from another list, and thought I'd forward it here, since I
> know there are folks in Texas on Ridecamp.
> Stephanie McCray
> Golden, CO
> Poster: Carla D Quijano <cquijano@JUNO.COM>
> Subject: Lost horse-Bandera, Texas.
> -----------------------------------------------
> -
> I was alone a Hill Country Natural Area on Friday., Jan. 1 and my horse
> got away. I know I shouldn't have been out there alone, but that's
> another story. I'm just trying to cover every available base here and I
> was wondering if I could tap on the collective wisdom of the list. The
> details of the problem are as follows: A 11 year old grey Arab. gelding,
> skittish and shy, a rescue from abuse, He's only got on a leather
> halter and a lead rope, no one (out of probably 100 people who were in
> and out of the park) saw him after he ran away, runners, bikers, and
> equestrians looked for him on the trails and off, the former ranch
> foreman is riding today off-trail looking for him, and I walked and
> drove the few roads looking for him and the park ranger has been and
> will continue to look for him. I have notified the dude ranches in the
> area and they will watch for him and try to help, also. Is there anyone
> out there that knows of anything else I can do? Is there a search and
> rescue group in the area? My BIGGEST concern is not his $ value or
> anything, I just want to know he is okay and not hurt or hung up on
> something. I came home to try and get some rest,but plan to go back on
> Tuesday with another horse if he hasn't been found. I can't sleep for
> worrying about him and praying that he's not hurt.
> Please, Texas folks send any help you can. From the bottom of my heart,
> Thanks
> Carla
> Wimbereley, TX.>>>

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