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Re: lost horse in Texas

Hi Carla,  My heart goes out to you!  My horse did exactly the same thing to
me in Minnesota.  I was lucky though because I was with a friend.  We jumped
on her mare double and chased the bugger for a while.  till we realized he was
having fun!  Then we stopped and let him follow us back to the trailers.
Happy ending there.  Another friend lost her horse when he refused to cross a
horse gate, bucked, dumped her and took off, saddle and all into the
backcountry.  We found him after two days of mounted searching.  The best bet
is to search for him (if this is back country type of search) with other
horses.  They will whinny and search each other out.  I'll be thinking of you
with all the positive energy I can muster (I'm in California now and we're big
on that).  Please let me know how it goes!!


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