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Trail Work at any age

I  just wanted to  clarify a few things regarding my comments on trails
and their protection:  First, where I do trail maintenaince, the
majority of the workers are women who have no horse, work on trails
because they love them,  park people aren't staffed to work on the
25,000 acres, and they are over the age of 35.  (Is age really the
issue, or that we need to band together to maintain trails and keep
them?)  There are those us who are in the trail unit who are trying to
convince the park system that chain saws can be used and that we can do
trail work on horseback. Personally, I hate to hike in for an hour, work
and hike back out...

It just seems to me that we need to make our presence known; as horse
ownership is percieved by many to be only for the rich and elite. ( Even
if we are the few who are able to ride in some incredible locations that
the majority will never see in their own back yard)  To do that we need
to avoid the use of inflamatory words,we should try and stick to facts,
and be seen as a positive force for the protection and preservation of
our shrinking habitat. Proactive behavior rather than reactionary.

Kandhy Franklin-Collins

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