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Re: Baking Soda

Hi.  I'm not sure what the purpose of this treatment would
be.  Could you elaborate?  What is she trying to accomplish
regarding kidney's?  Is the horse "tied up" and unable to
urinate?  If so, wouldn't a natural diurretic like a Buchu
and Juniper liquid with Uva Ursi be more sensible?  I
 would be interested in the reason baking soda is being
used in the first place.    Linda (AVP) wrote:

> Here's a question for debate. I'm posting this for a friend that is normally
> online but is having comp problems & not on the list currently.
> She is having to give a hopefully future endurance/CTR horse baking soda on a
> daily basis for his kidneys.  What are the pro's & con's of this treatment?
> She is afraid that this treatment may be detrimental to him in the long run.
> What do you think Heidi & all?
> Thanks for the response.  Will forward all responses to my friend.
> Carla Jo Bass & Midnight Bay DBA +/

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