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Re: [RC] Braking time (was: So Cal, etc.) - Elizabeth Walker

I didn't even get on the freeway.  I was traveling down a hill on a road with stop lights.  I had the green.  A car pulled out to make a right-hand turn.  All would have been fine if he had just kept going.... but no.  He got flustered and stopped - broadside across the lane - directly in front of me as I entered the intersection.  

It was a really good thing that there was nobody in the other lane, because I had to make an emergency lane change to miss him, and *I* was panicked enough that I didn't really look.  No way could I have stopped in time, even if I had been driving my little Saturn, rather than my truck & trailer with horse.  

On Jan 28, 2009, at 11:20 AM, RHONDA LEVINSON wrote:

Kat, I was thinking that D'Arcy was talking more about those people who suddenly slide over right in front of you and then brake.  For instance, just before an exit ramp, I had a lady pull over in front of me -- so close that I could not see her tail lights -- and then slow down.  I hit the brakes as much as possible without injuring the horses and laid on the horn.  She looked in the rear view mirror, panicked and ended up going off the road.  I did not feel that *I* ran her off the road, and I did not stop for her.  Those are the idiots that I thought D'Arcy was referring to.


[RC] Braking time (was: So Cal, etc.), k s swigart
RE: [RC] Braking time (was: So Cal, etc.), RHONDA LEVINSON