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Re: [RC] FEI is OK with Bute ... no reaction from the US? - Truman Prevatt

stephanie teeter wrote:
The reality of dual sanctioned rides is having to deal with differences in AERC and FEI - differences in rules, policy, and culture. The biggest difference in my experience is that AERC allows 60 minutes at the finish, FEI allows 30. We have DQ'd riders from FEI completion, and awarded AERC completion if warranted. It can be a bit of a squiggly mess at times, having seen FEI riders DQ'd at the finish for lameness (with only one presentation permitted), and then allowed to re-present later (within 60 minutes) for AERC placement if the horse came sound.  I suspect the bute/banamine/aspirin duality you brought up would have to be treated similarly.

Also - even though I'm soured on FEI, I am still 100% supportive of our AERC members that have FEI ambition and - even though the current FEI administration has some issues... FEI still represents the world standard for the highest level of equestrian competition for those with talent and ambition. 


How would you propose dealing with a rider tested positive for levels of but less than 2 half lives -  AERC and suspended from rides for say a year being allowed to show up and ride the FEI ride at a co-sanctioned ride. That is now possible.

If AERC members want to go ride FEI - more power to them I have no problem with that. They have an organization in which to do that - it's the USEF. I don't see how in good conscience the AERC can continue to support FEI. Time to cut the cord.


“The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently

“The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently.”  Friedrich Nietzsche

Re: [RC] FEI is OK with Bute ... no reaction from the US?, Susan
Re: [RC] FEI is OK with Bute ... no reaction from the US?, stephanie teeter