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RE: [RC] cutting taxes? - Mike Sherrell

My god, I can't believe the reaction I'm getting. The rich have won the war
of words. The only taxes that get raised are sales tax, now 10%, which is on
the backs of the poor and middle class. The rich have jiggered the
California constitution so that it takes a super-majority to raise income
taxes, so their millions are safe, but the rest of us have to eat it with
sales taxes and cuts in services we need that the rich don't. I'll leave it
at that.


Mike Sherrell
Grizzly Analytical (USA)
707 887 2919; fax = 707 887 9834

-----Original Message-----
From: Lynn White [mailto:lynndeepoo@xxxxxxxxx] 
Sent: Tuesday, June 02, 2009 9:43 AM
To: mike@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: cutting taxes?

Let me correct you:

Cut money to schools, healthcare for poor children -- thank God for the 60%
legislative supermajority requirement to increase taxes, gotta protect those


Both parties are equally to blame for the mess this country is in. The
Democratic policiticans are just as wealthy as their GOP counterparts.  The
press as just suceeded in convincing everyone that it's the fault of one
party or another.  Time to quite pointing fingers and figure out how to
prevent America from becoming Europe. 


"Our enemies should know: we will never apologize for being free men."

-Geert Wilders



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