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[RC] stress busters for horses - Cindy Collins - sherman

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I'm sure no feed guru, but if I recall correctly, it's not all clover that causes irritation, just the alsike (or something like that). I have 4 horses with white socks and/or stockings, our pasture has lots of natural clover for about 4 months of the year, horses all eat it and have never had a problem with photo sensitivity. And I read on Susan Garlinghouse's website that it is usually safe to give horses about 25% of their feed intake as alfalfa, and I recall Heidi Smith and others who live in severly cold winters saying that they feed 100% alfalfa free-fed during the cold season. So, it must not be all that bad for all horses, even though some horses probably shouldn't have ANY, most can do with some, especially hard working horses.


OK, feed gurus. With all the bad press that alfalfa gets, this articles says to feed it???? And clover, which usually causes scratches for horses with white legs. CC

"Treating ulcers involves reducing horses' grain intake and feeding hay rich in alfalfa and clover. According to Sarah L. Ralston, VMD, PhD, Dipl. ACVN, associate professor in the Department of Animal Sciences at Rutgers University, both alfalfa and clover are high in calcium, which absorbs excess stomach acid in horses and humans."