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Re: [RC] Pony Club ENDURANCE riding???? - Steph Teeter

I really really really don't want to fan the 'is it endurance?' flames, but ...

>>OK, call me an endurance snob, but this irks the crap out of me. Now "Endurance" is 12 to 22 miles???? The MOST you can do is 22 miles? I think I was the only one to comment when the British Pony Club decided to recognize endurance and I was happy they did it, but they need to call this "hacking" or something>>

Angie's comment is from the perspective of a 'real endurance rider' - somebody who knows that there is a big difference in a 10 mile ride and a 25 mile ride, and a 50 mile ride, and a 100 mile ride. Somebody who has experienced the difference. No doubt the farther you go, the more demanding it is, and the tougher the horse and rider have to be, and the more importance has to be placed on training and preparation.


from a 'sport' perspective, and a 'marketing' perspective, there is a great deal to be gained by being inclusive. Bringing everybody into the sport equals members, revenue, sustainability,etc. And -then- people can sort themselves into the 'challenging' vs. 'not challenging' categories once they're doing The Sport.

if you look at other equestrian sports, and other endurance sports such as running and biking - few make the distinction between 'endurance' and 'not endurance' based upon the number of miles that any given event offers. It's more typically sorted out by 'ultra' or 'training level' or 'novice'. But it's generally the same sport name.

I personally feel that we could gain a lot by removing the distinction from our vocabulary in the general sense, and then using it (the distinction) sparingly in the more specific sense. (e.g. calling LD 'training level' or 'introductory' level divisions of equestrian endurance).



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[RC] Pony Club ENDURANCE riding????, rides2far@xxxxxxxx