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Re: [RC] Knee pain/ stirrups - Sisu West Ranch

Back in the good old days when men were men and arthroscopic surgery was not invented, I messed up my knee*. Ligament damage, cartilage floating around, and eventually calcification. Because I did not wish to spend 6 months on crutches, I elected to try physical therapy.

After 6 months of PT I could ride, but my knee hurt! Over the next year I learned how to ride putting minimal strain on my knees. Unfortunately, since I learn physical skills in a non verbal manner, I can not really describe what I do that is different than I did before. I also can not point to an equestrian discipline that teaches it, of if indeed there is a discipline that endorses or allows my technique. I do know that I do not post, nor do I put excessive weight in the stirrups.

Bottom line: It is possible to put much less strain on the knees if you ride with the proper technique. By the way, after 5 years of PT I was able to start running again, proving that given enough dedication PT does work.


*Another lesson here. Don't try to kick your horse even if he kicks at you.

Ed & Wendy Hauser
2994 Mittower Road
Victor, MT 59875

(406) 381-5527



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[RC] Knee pain/ stirrups, Sheila_Larsen