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[RC] Rehydrating your horse's skin and coat - k s swigart

K. Chaton said:

The most likely reason why my horses don’t have any
 dandruff or scurfing is because I’ve been keeping up with
 spraying them regularly with aloe juice or rehydrating spray.
I do not now, nor have I ever had a problem with my horses having dandruff or 
scurfing in the armpit area, and what I use there (just as I do all over my 
horse's coat) is a rubber curry comb, my fingers, and a body brush, and a hose 
if there is one handy.
The aloe vera juice is the least expensive option. 
I don't every put any topical things on my horse's coat (including shampoo) 
except if I need to treat a wound (and even then I am usually pretty 
minimalist).  So I would say that nothing at all is the least expensive 
option.  All it requires is the application of elbow grease.
In fact, it never even occurred to me that it was an issue at all, and I have 
found that if you groom your horse regularly, that it isn't.
If I have had a problem with girth galls or rubbing, then I have always figured 
that this is a problem with saddle fit and/or choice of girth, and no topical 
application is going to fix that 
Do other people who don't use topical ointments for preventing this have a 
problem with it?  I just never have, but then I almost always use mohair 
string girths or if not that, then leather.
Orange County, Calif.

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