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[RC] Elyte cookies - minor caution - Sheila_Larsen

I had a week off of work and decided that my rare attempt at domesticity
was going to extend to baking horse cookies.  Valiantly I went to the
internet and got several recipes, went to the store, (nothing but fresh
ingredients for MY HORSES).  The next day in the kitchen you would have
found me grating carrots and apple and soon thereafter the kitched smelled
heavenly, cinamon, oats, apples baking in the oven.  Some where crispy,
some where softer, I tasted all of them, the elyte cookies were a bit on
the salty side for my tastes, but man those horsey oatmeal cookies weren't
bad at all......  Now for the final test.  Proudly I marched down to the
barn, bearing homemade horse cookies.  I waved my prized cookies at the
horses.  Offered them proudly.... the result:   nope, nada, I DON"T think
so, what you trying to poison us or something, mmm maybe I will try one -
nope I'm gonna spit it out and the dog can eat it.

Moral of the story, try them before you take them to a ride.  Oh and the
oatmeal cookies got eaten (by me).... LOLOL


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