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[RC] Draft Agenda for the May 05 AERC BoD conference call - Michael MaulDRAFT AGENDAAERC BOD Conference Call 5/5/08, 6 p.m. PST Housekeeping: Excusal from this evening’s conference call – none received as of 4/24/2008 Acceptance of committee reports: None received as of 4/24/2008 Approval of April 7, 2008 conference call minutes* (set forth below) Membership report - Kathleen New business: National Championship Committee – Connie Caudill Nominations to Executive Committee-John Parke Caja Water Trail Grant – Roger Taylor Old business: Adjourn *American Endurance Ride Conference Board of Directors Meeting – Teleconference Call April 7, 2008 Call to Order: 6:05 pm Pacific Time Roll Call: Mike Maul, Connie Caudill, Jan Stevens, Patti Pizzo, Michael Campbell, Monica Chapman, Joyce Mocilan, Susan Schomburg, Sandy Terp, Tom Noll, Gail Williams, Terry Woolley Howe, John Parke, Susan Kasemeyer, Joe Schoech, Roger Taylor, Jeff Trinkle, Maryben Stover, Dianna Chapek, John Crandell III, Randy Eiland, Laura Hayes, Robert Ribley, Heidi Smith DVM, Mike Tomlinson DVM, and Bruce Weary. The minutes from the March 2, 2008 meeting in Reno, Nevada were approved by a unanimous vote. Kathleen reported on the current state of AERC Membership as of this date: * 2008 – 6024 * 2007 – 6017 Rider Fees as of this date: * 2008 - $14,811.40 * 2007 - $10,987.00 Sanctioning Fees as of this date: * 2008 - $13,275.00 * 2007 - $13,219.72 New Members as of this date: * 2008 – 627 * 2007 – 747 New Business Special Sanctioning * Ironhorse Challenge Pioneer Ride in the NW Region 8/28/08-9/1/08. Approved by Committee – motion passes unanimously by the board. * Moab Canyons Pioneer Ride in the MT Region – Date change request. Approved by Committee. After much discussion concerning this request there was a roll call vote. Abstaining from voting: Patti Pizzo, Sandy Terp, and Randy Eiland. Voting Against the motion: John Parke, Roger Taylor, Jeff Trinkle, Maryben Stover, Dianna Chapek, John Crandall III, Laura Hayes, Robert Ribley, Mike Tomlinson, and Bruce Weary. Voting For the motion: Connie Caudill, Jan Stevens, Michael Campbell, Monica Chapman, Joyce Mocilan, Susan Schomburg, Tom Noll, Gail Williams, Terry Woolley Howe, Susan Kasemeyer, Joe Schoech, and Heidi Smith. With a total of 3 abstentions, 12 votes for the motion and 10 votes against the motion. The motion does not pass due to an absence of the majority of the BOD present voting for the motion. * Horse Creek Ranch in the MT Region (Northern Alberta) – Late request for sanctioning. Approved by Committee – motion passed with one vote against. Trails Request by Roger Taylor * A Trails Master Course is being held at Fort Stanton. They are planning on having a equipment training class held in conjunction with the class in order to qualify more people to use the Ditch Witch in trails maintenance. The additional cost of rental of the equipment is $740 per week. Roger indicated that there are no other places to rent the machine in the adjacent area, though he would check on other similar types of machines to see if the price could be lowered for a week’s rental. The motion is from committee to pay the additional monies to rent the machine. The motion passed with one member abstaining from voting. Mike Maul indicated that he would like to keep all the Chairs of the standing committees of AERC in their current places with these exceptions: * Troy Smith, editor of Endurance News, has been acting as the chair of the Media Marketing Committee since the resignation of Jennifer Nice. M. Maul would like to place Troy Smith as the Chair of the Media Marketing Committee. * Susan Schomburg as the Chair of the Rules Committee. The motion passed with one abstention. Mike Maul also indicated that he is presently working on placing the additional member of the Executive Committee and will have that person named by the next meeting. Old Business The Santa Fe Ride has requested a parallel ride to be held on the last day of their Santa Fe ride. The Ride Manager indicated that they would have the additional ride be 55 miles, whereas the regular Santa Fe ride is 50 miles. It would be an open ride (the regular Santa Fe ride is a closed ride), have a separate head vet, and carry its own insurance. Susan Kasemeyer indicated that the Sanctioning Committee supported the request. After much discussion was held it was determined to have a roll call vote. Abstaining from voting: Connie Caudill, Jan Stevens, Laura Hayes, and Heidi Smith. Voting Against the motion: Patti Pizzo, Joyce Mocilan, Susan Schomburg, John Parke, Dianna Chapek, Robert Ribley, and Mike Tomlinson. Voting For the motion: Michael Campbell, Monica Chapman, Sandy Terp, Tom Noll, Gail Williams, Terry Woolley Howe, Susan Kasemeyer, Joe Schoech, Roger Taylor, Jeff Trinkle, and Bruce Weary. With a total of 4 abstentions, 11 votes in favor of the motion and 7 votes against the motion the motion does not pass due to there not being a majority of the BOD present voting for the motion. Additional Comments Terry Woolley Howe brought up a problem that she is having with her ride sanctioning for the Descanso Ride that she manages in June. The State has indicated that they won’t allow her to have the ride if it involves a competition against the clock. Terry asked if the board would consider allowing her to have the ride for mileage only. This topic has been brought up in the past, but previous boards have voted against this type of ride since our bylaws indicate that our rides are timed events. Terry will continue to look further into this problem with the State. Terry also indicated that she would further look into this type of ride concept and will bring it to the board at the mid-year meeting in August in Louisville, Kentucky for their consideration. Susan Kasemeyer made the motion to adjourn the meeting with Roger Taylor seconding the motion. The motion passed and the meeting was adjourned at 7:15 pm Pacific Time. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Ridecamp is a service of Endurance Net, http://www.endurance.net. Information, Policy, Disclaimer: http://www.endurance.net/Ridecamp Subscribe/Unsubscribe http://www.endurance.net/ridecamp/logon.asp Ride Long and Ride Safe!! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=