"...I,ve always wondered why some
riders will leave a rug on their horse ..."
So have I. I've even wondered why they wear
clothing more suitable for sitting around than for riding at a 8 mph
Seriously, many folk are more afraid that they,
their children, or their horses will be "cold" than being sure that the
insulation is continuously adjusted for the temperature.
I have never used a rump rug unless the temp is
lower than about 40 F (4 C). (Exception: sometimes in a cold rain you need
one at a somewhat higher temp). It is my opinion that rump rugs should be
rolled before the horse starts to sweat, kept rolled during the ride while
proceeding at a pace above a slow walk, and unrolled if walking the last 1/4
mile before a check. Ideally, the tack is pulled upon entrance to the vet
area and replaced by a blanket over the rump while the horse cools. When
entering a vet check at speed, I have blanketed the rump while putting water on
the front of the horse.
One day during a sleet storm, while riding with no
crew, I just put a blanket over the saddle and rump rug. Bad idea!
Because I did not remove the saddle, I did not notice a bunched blanket.
By the next check Ranger had a sore back and was pulled at the
finish. Bummer!
Please do not take this as a hard and fast
rule. Many riders, particularly those who are not trying to top 10, leave
the rump rugs down unless it really gets hot later in the day. They seem
to do OK, I just think they are not using an optimum strategy.
Ed & Wendy Hauser 2994 Mittower
Road Victor, MT 59875