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[RC] glucosamine-for healthy horses - sherman

Under current rules, I believe its okay to use glucosamine daily since it’s not a performance enhancing drug or used in megadoses to mask a problem that the horse may be having, sort of like giving a normal dose vitamins on a daily basis to stay healthy, since the body has a need for it, like selenium, etc. The joints need the glucosamine to stay healthy, not sure about the chondroitin though as its recommended especially when there is already pain existing. MSM is not normally present in the body and is an inflammation reducer, so probably need to withdraw that before a ride.  Does anyone have a different opinion or more knowledge about this?



wonder though, even if taking glucosamine & chondroitin doesn?t stop the pain for everyone, if it were taken BEFORE the pain started, would it benefit everyone and help the joints stay healthy? >>


I wondered this too, Kathy.  You always see these supplements advertised for healthy performance horses, rather than older retired horses (like mine, it really helped him).  I am now giving it to my endurance mount, he's only 9 and fine, but he's a QH and heavy up front and I want him to stay sound, so can't hurt.  I will just remove him from the supplements 4 days before a competition since I'm not real sure how they fall into the drug policy.

