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[RC] Why shoot the dog? - oddfarm

Valerie said, "If the dog has actually bitten your horse, and the owner has been warned, etc., I'm afraid you've little choice but to shoot to kill."
What???? It might not be the Sheriff's job to come out on a vicious dog call, but don't any of ya'll have animal control services? I can't think of a single state that I have been in that doesn't have an animal control. They may not have human society's or SPCA's but they always have an animal control. That is who your vet reports your rabies vaccine to in order to make sure all animals have the vaccine. Animal control also investigates animal cruelty, dog fighting, cock fighting and animal bites. Some states have the 3 bite rule where after the third founded report the animal must be put down as they are considered vicious. Sometimes a dog is just a dog and they hunt the wrong animal (pet rabbit, chickens, cats) and kill it. That may be considered a vicious bite, as well.
Come on people, don't we have enough shooting going on in this world? If you want to shoot, don't shoot the dog. The dog is NOT the one being an ass. Make the owners responsible. I am pretty sure in most states dogs, and sometimes cats must were a license. Call animal control if a dog is bothering you and report that is has no license and let them come and investigate. The owner could be fined for not having a tag, not restraining a dog or not having them under control and, if the dog bit you or your horse, that could be the last straw for the dog.
If that doesn't work have a lawyer send them a letter of intent to sue if something happens to you or your horse. Yeah, it will cost ya. But really, how much satisfaction can you get from shooting an animal? I can assure you, that if you shoot the dog, the owner will sue YOU!
Geeze, let's not beat up people who ride the crap out of a horse, because that would be just WRONG. But go ahead and shoot the dog.
I don't get it.
Lisa Salas, The Oddf aRm