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[RC] Why the negativity about CTR? - Kristi Schaaf

Katrina wrote:
LOL.. I just noticed while looking through the pics a
second time that I only counted about 15 riders that
were actually smiling. Of those 2 were kids and one
was a drag rider. Everybody looks so serious. They
need to remember to smile every once in a while :-)
This is FUN! :-) Right?

If someone who has done both sports has an honest
opinion about why they like one over the other, I'm
cool with that (different strokes for different folks,
and all that). But when someone who has no idea what
the sport is about makes little digs, it's really
annoying. I'm not sure why Katrina took the time to
actually count the number of people smiling in the
pics, other than to be negative. I ride both NATRC and
AERC, and from what I've seen, NATRC people have at
least as much fun as AERC people (they don't have
focused race brain), they are warmer toward one
another (sometimes even getting an AERC rider to say
'hi' back to me on the trail can be quite a challenge
in my region!), NATRC horses are usually better
behaved (I almost always get a nice comment from the
vet at AERC rides about how s/he appreciates how quiet
and respectful my horse is at the check - that's NATRC
training showing up), and there's a much bigger sense
of family (probably from the downtime hanging out
together on Sunday waiting for the judges to crunch
numbers before awards).


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