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[RC] Parelli and Natural Horsemanship - k s swigart

Dave Smith said:

Therefore, I am continually surprised by the attacks
on Parelli and what he and his wife have offered the
horse world. I almost never hear similar attacks on
the other clinicians, so I am always curious as to the
basis of this criticism.

The basis of my criticism comes from a couple of places, not the least
of which is the poor design of the carrot stick, yes a nicely balanced
dressage whip is a far more effective tool if for no other reason than
that it is (and has specifically been designed to be) easier to hold
without causing long term physical damage to the user. I have two
friends how have been in and out of the doctor's office for treatment of
their tendonitis.

Usually when I probe this
animosity, I find that the critic knows little about the
program and his/her criticism is based on some faulty

I know only what I have been told by his followers and what I have seen
his followers doing with horses.  I don't consider it a faulty
assumption to assume that his followers have learned what he is teaching
them, whether it is what he is trying to teach them or not.  This
includes the quote about doing the opposite of other horse people.  It
shouldn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that a statement like
that is going to generate animosity.

Probe a bit deeper and I often find that the root
of the criticism is really about the financial success
Parelli enjoys. So, in my view, much of the Parelli
criticism is simple old-fashioned envy.

However, carrot stick aside, one of the biggest complaints I have about
his marketing efforts is its ability to generate "group think."  I work
with many people who are surrounded by Parelli-ites at their barns who
are ashamed to admit that it doesn't work for them and their horses and
will even go along with the group in their clinics and their regular
Thursday night sessions even though they know that it doesn't work for
them and their horses because they don't want to offend their friends
and/or be left out of the group.  And these groupies constantly harp on
everybody else who isn't going along with them because they are SURE
that if they would just be converted that it would be better for them
and their horses (i.e.  They don't know how to take "No thanks, I am not
interested" for an answer).

And when Parelli started selling hats and t-shirst and calendars with
his name and logo on them, he stopped being any kind of a horseman and
became a salesman, period.  Hats, t-shirts and calendars do not have
ANYTHING to do with horsemanship or how people communicate with horses.
It is all about how people communicate with other people in order to get
them to join their group so they can wear the group's uniform (which
horses don't recognize).

And without even realizing it, most of his proponents that I have met,
use his marketing tools to bludgeon the non-conformists with peer
pressure.  I have MANY friends who have come to me asking how they can
politely explain to thise people that though they like riding with them
and associating with them they have tried the Parelli thing with their
horse and it really doesn't work for them so would they please stop

Because so few Parelli-ites that I have met are willing to take "No
thanks, I am not interested" or "I tried it and it didn't work for me"
for an answer (i.e. to accept a polite refusal), they leave those people
who are not interested with no choices but to go along (to the detriment
of themselves and their horses) or to be impolite in their refusals.

I suspect that there are a great many people who are also proponents of
Parelli's methods who don't feel the need to advertise the fact and just
let it work for them and their horses and will mention it to friends and
let them know how well it has worked for them and be willing to share
without coming on like missionaries.  And I have no complaint about this
at all.  In fact, I consider it a good thing for both the people and
their horses.

It is, by his marketing techniques, that he has generated a bunch of
groupies who don't know how to take no for an answer that is my biggest
complaint.  Especially since the method that is used by these proponents
is to attempt to make everybody else feel guilty because their way is
more natural and every other way is cruel.

The very fact that somebody on this list (I can go look it up in the
archives if you really want me to) felt the need to compare all
non-Parelli-ites to people who shove ginger up their horses asses is
downright misleading.

There are plenty of people out there, even "so-called horse people" who
don't shove ginger up their horses asses, don't abuse and beat on their
horses, who work with and communicate with their horses effectively and
have great relationships with them without ever setting foot in a
Parelli clinic or playing a single one of his games.

So, I will say it again.  If you want to know why Parelli generates a
great deal of animosity among many horse people this quote explains it

"You want to be good with horses? Look at what other so-called horse
people are doing, and do the opposite."

You are pretty much guaranteed to generate animosity among "other
so-called horse people" with this statement. And you damned well ought
not be surprised.

If this IS a direct quote from Parelli, he has brought the animosity on
himself by saying it, since by saying it, he has pretty much insulted
every other horse person out there.

Orange County, Calif.
:) (yes, you CAN find a joke in there somewhere)


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