[RC] How tree hugging hurts the environment - sherman
Watching, as on the news…
I was also listening to a congressman who tried to do get
action taken many years ago. Sorry you may consider it blown out of proportion
rhetoric. He worked with Senator Feinstein, all the
agencies around Tahoe did studies and came up with a plan on making the forests
healthier & safer. Then nothing was done due to a particular water agency
that did not want equipment in the forest. When it was offered to be done
manually, they said they could not allow footprints in the forest.
The years of not allowing removal cannot be made up in just
a few years. I also listened to a representative of the Tahoe planning dept, who
acknowledged that for many years they did not allow homeowners to cut &
remove dead, dying, dangerous (leaning onto houses/decks) trees. She said they
changed their policy 5-10 years ago, but that not everyone knows that yet and
that they need to do more to make people aware that they might actually be able
to get somewhere with the planning dept. now.
Yes, the forest do need to burn occasionally, but they also
need to have dead & diseased trees removed since we don’t allow the
natural burns to take place.