[RC] Auburn Overlook & Trails - Lost & Found info - sherman
For those who use the Overlook area, I FOUND a nice yellow scrubby sponge, left by a woman riding a chestnut with high
stockings & a belly spot, had a 2 horse straight-load trailer.
My friend LOST a black breastcollar, maybe zilco, the ones with padded waffle material, along with a set of splint guards. It
was his first time cleaning tack there & he just left it by the
hose area.
I've recently LOST 3 easyboots, 0 & 00 down the
trail. Yesterday I actually found the one I lost between Foresthill &
Ruck-a-chucky last week (:>)
To claim or return these items, call me, 530-269-1207.