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[RC] Some things I have learned - Bruce Weary DC

I like quotes, phrases and mottos, because they can contain immense wisdom and lessons in a few words. Here are some I have found useful over the years. They're no good unless you share them.
1) If you treat everyone you meet as if they are hurting in some way, you'll be right most of the time.
2) You aren't what you do. If you are what you do, then when you don't, you aren't.
3) Do it now. There are so few tomorrows.
4) Horses reveal, when we are truly ready to listen.
5) One advantage women have over men is that they want a quality, meaningful relationship, and know one when they see one.
6) Abe Lincoln said: "Most folks are about as happy as they make their minds up to be."
7) Mark Twain: "Disgusted with my father's stupidity, I left home at 17. On seeing him again some five years later, I was amazed at how much the man had learned in that amount of time."
8) I don't need a title or braggin' rights to enjoy riding my horse long distances.
9) I should have married my wife long before I did. Even if her husband at the time would have had a problem with it.
10) "The horse has the pride of a lion, the eye of a deer, the speed of a gazelle, the strength of an ox, the loyalty of a soldier, and the heart of a woman. He has brought the country doctor to the day of our birth, cleared our roads, and plowed the fields that feed us. He has carried us as children across an open meadow, and, finally, when our time is done, pulled the wagon that takes us to our final resting place. He is with us always." (Or something like that.)
Dr Q


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