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RE: [AERCMembersForum] RE: [RC] completion rule -- another consideration - heidi

Yes, Joe, I have read your posts, and for you to infer that I have not is rude and offensive.  I simply disagree with it, through and through.
I do think that there is merit in some of the possible alterations to the 30-minute proposal that are being discussed that address some of the concerns about distant finish lines, etc., but the bottom line is that a horse that cannot recover to the ride's pulse criterion (which he has met all day) is not fit to continue.  You contradict yourself when you suggest otherwise.
That said, the alternate approach of assuring that horses pulse down within 30 minutes but that riders still have an hour to present for the full exam is quite workable.  Rides with distant finishes for safety's sake could simply have a pulse person at the finish line, if it is a REALLY long way to camp, or better yet, right when riders enter camp, so that they can present for pulses and then go about whatever they want to do before they present their horses.

Did you even read what I wrote?
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