I had a horse who had extra wrinkles in his "arm
pits" and would get girth galls. After girthing him up, I always lifted his leg
up and out in front of him, to smooth and stretch the skin from under the girth.
I could not use any type of string girth with him because of his extra wrinkles,
he would get pinched. This time of year, as the winter coat is longest, and
ready to start shedding, I see more rubs. I do think the long hair has something
to do with it. I Have used show sheen in areas that seem to rub. At girth
billets, on loins, and it has helped. Do not use under saddle in large area!
With an English saddle, all you can do us use the two rear billets to move the
girth back as much as possible. I don't like putting anything on them that would
let dirt or debris stick like Vaseline.