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Re: [RC] Bare VS Shod: There must be a compromise - Lucinda Carpe

No thinking outside the box allowed!
I am having some soundness issues with my 8 yo never been shod dressage/trail horse. long story short. He was the recipient of some trims that didn't "help" him.
the conventional folks scream for shoes...yet...why? no logical answer has been provided and it seems illogical to me to throw shoes on a sore foot. He is getting appropriate trims and pasture/corral rest. If he needs shoes then why is only one foot sore...do I buy one shoe? why now after 8 years?..I cannot begin to tell you the mean things people have said to me...Most of these same folks have had soundness issues in the past and maybe even ongoing ones they never ask if perhaps it is the result of the shoes. they just see that we don't have em so therefore we must need them on and on and on...I am not saying I would NEVER get shoes I am just saying that I haven't been given a diagnosis that really points at that.
Veterinay exam at a top clinic here in So Cal (San Luis Rey) failed to reveal anything...My next option after suitable rest and therapeutic trims is to run to Alamo Pintada for MRI..../Lucinda

Tom Sites <goearth@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Why does one have to be a freak or a nut to consider stuff? ts
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, October 31, 2006 5:26 PM
Subject: Re: [RC] Bare VS Shod: There must be a compromise

That's because Jody is a "short toe" freak.    And hates a tripping horse.

Tom Sites <goearth@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
 I must admit Jody had a good trimmed foot on all her horses w/ shoes

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Re: [RC] Bare VS Shod: There must be a compromise, Tom Sites