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RE: [RC] Profile of one person who would like to do a 100 - Rae Callaway

Well, if everything goes right this year, there just might be another 100 in
the Central region in 07. :o)

Tall C Arabians - Central

-----Original Message-----
From: ridecamp-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:ridecamp-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of rides2far@xxxxxxxx
Sent: Tuesday, August 08, 2006 6:16 PM
To: tracetribute@xxxxxxxxx
Cc: ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [RC] Profile of one person who would like to do a 100

Angie Fura wrote:
I'm both a rider who aspires to ride in a 100 and I ride manager who 
aspires to eventually put one on. 

Great post Angie. I've been going over the list of 100's that were around
when I started, and how few *states* still have them. I sure hope you get
another one into Tennessee!  Here is my goal...to get at least ONE 100
per state in the SE. Though our overall numbers of rides haven't changed
much, we've lost all our 100's that aren't supported by the NE (where
everybody does 100's!)  That means SC, Fla and NC (Biltmore) have all our

Tennessee: 0   We lost both Tennessee 100's...that could be replaced by a
BSF 100.  Also  there's talk of one at LBL...if they'd just promise no

Alabama: 0  We lost the Alabama 100. They're talking about having one at
Yellowhammer .

Georgia  0    We lost Liberty Run (2 per year) in Georgia. Could it be
brought back with new               management?  What about Hahira? Lots of
dirt roads are good after                  dark.
Kentucky 0  Granted, they have most of their rides at Bill Wilson's which
is just over the                  northern state line, might have to give
credit for that one since all the KY                    people work on it.
Mississippi 0  They lost Bieneville, and Long Leaf. Is anybody doing
endurance down there 
               any more?  Would somebody please move down near the Longleaf

I know we didn't quit having the TN ride for lack of entries. We just
couldn't work with the owner of the camp. I really don't see any of these
rides that died for lack of entries, they lost trail,  the camps weren't
big enough to hold everybody's new big rigs, or the management just went
on to other things and nobody replaced them.   I actually tried to find
another place to have a 100 but don't know anywhere with that much trail
that's appropriate.  

I was looking at some of the 1988 records for the TN ride. We'd have 19
starters in the 50 and about the same in the 100. We never sanctioned our
25 with AERC back then because we didn't want to pay them any fees for
them, but I think it was about the same number as the other distances.
We'd have about 60ish entries pretty evenly distributed. The 25's were
very local, 50's were more regional, but we had 100's come from Michigan
& PA pretty regularly.

I just get excited thinking about trying to find a trail for a 100...a
good 100...one that would be enjoyable, challenging but do-able. Gas
prices would make it very hard for me to manage one that's far from  home
because the manager makes a *lot* of trips...but I'm keeping my ears
open.  By the way, nobody will believe this but I'm going to brag on
something Truman did. SERA is donating glow sticks for any SE 100 that's
SERA sanctioned. That's a great idea....maybe one of the other directors
thought of it. >eg<

P.S. Could you do a 100 mile out and back on the Trace trail? That would
be fun...for the riders. :-))



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Re: [RC] Profile of one person who would like to do a 100, rides2far